Week 4 of #monthonbitcoin

4 weeks down! Basically done!

For those not following, this is a crazy experiment explained in this post.

This is a summary post of the fourth (and basically last) week, detailed posts are covered in day 22, day 23, day 24, day 25, day 26, day 27, and day 28.

Week 1 summary is available here. Week 2 summary is available here. Week 3 summary is available here. After Wednesday, I'll do a month summary of the highlights, and then this blog will turn into my personal blog. Hope you stay round to read that.

Day 22 I gave a bit of an explanation on what bitcoin is, and what some benefits are, and some bad things that could be thought of.

Day 23 I started hopstock, but didn't actually buy any beers :( (apart from Rogue and Vagabond who gave me a month long tab).

Day 24 a bit happened. I got a haircut (from Mane Salon, bought some scones (aptly named "metlscones" after their creator metlstorm who runs kiwicon). Had a few beers bought by my mate in exchange for bitcoin for my hopstock challenge.



Oh, and I asked the hairdresser to do this ... (it should grow out in a few weeks :P)




Day 25 took me to Kereru Brewery around for a tour. Nice place, and they accept bitcoin. They use only locally sourced ingredients, and used to run out of their basement. My friend also blogged about this trip at his blog

The first image shows their old grinder, which they used in their basement.


The next one shows their current grinder. Bit of an upgrade!


Their automated bottling machine.


Their brewery as a whole, and some tastings.



Oh, and I paid in bitcoin!


Day 26 I had a leaving party for a friend, and got a few new people into bitcoin, who then bought me beers.

Day 27 I had a drink with a stranger, got another stamp on my hopstock (even though it finished the day before). Had dinner with my parents, and playe some scrabble.

Day 28 bought some chipotle sauce, some mead, and my friend cooked an amazing dinner!





Thats it for this week, tune in for the month summary!

If you can offer assitance, just do it! I'm on twitter as haquaman, on reddit as haquaman, on IRC as aquaman (no h), and email at hugh AT davenport DOT net DOT nz.

Feel free to donate to 155WivS5TdBdU1UMQVZNLodywzCUdLdBBk.